In this in depth interview with local realtor Michele Garcia, we talk about costs, timeline, design, pitfalls, and so much more. Thanks to Michele for the invite!
About North Ridge
2:14 North Ridge Background
3:57 Client Relationships
4:45 NRC True Custom
What does the Customer need to know when building a new construction?
6:00 Beginning Stages
-Budget/Land/Home/Future Considerations
9:59 Why Design with my Builder?
-Purchase Plans vs Architecture
12:36 Production Builder vs Semi Custom
Financing & The Building Process
15:10 Northwest Design Style
– Custom build means accommodating the land & location
16:42 Pricing Volatility
-Impacts cost, value of itemized budget
18:06 Financing through a Lender vs Builder
18:51 Finance Process
-Lender/Builder/Client – start to finish
Local Design Trends
20:05 What’s happening in Design?
-Pacific Northwest Design vs. Rugged Montana, what to expect in Idaho
– Exterior colors, hardware colors, exterior materials
26:10 Trends in Color
– Hardware, lighting & plumbing fixtures
26:43 Supply Issues
– Impacts product availability and ultimately design choices
28:08 Back Orders
– Reselect materials vs waiting, impact to occupancy date
34:36 Space Planning Tends
-Work from home, separate offices vs bedroom offices
– Customers are retirees, 80% of new residents are 65+yrs old
– 2500 to 3200 sqft of living space
What to know about Challenges with New Construction?
38:23 Building Mistakes for the Customer to be aware of
43:27 Every Builder is Different
– Healthy allowances vs. change orders
45:00 Building on Waterfront
-Land questions, underground water and mitigation solutions
-Building on a hillside
49:20 Location/Milage
– Impact Builder/SubContractor availability
51:20 Importance of Builder/Customer Relationship
-Professionalism within the industry